Life Between Lives and Ghost Hunting

Life Between LivesA number of years ago, I picked up a book written by Michael Newton, called Journey of Souls. It documented a number of regressions that would bring these subjects into a place where they could recall their life in the spirit world. These subjects would recall what life was like in the time between their lives as physical human beings. Originally when I read this book, I found the concept hard to digest — it made me think that I was not who I thought I was. Still, I found it compelling enough to read his next book, Destiny of Souls. After finishing the second book, my brain felt like scrambled eggs. But the one thing that stood out to me was that, in my sometimes too-logical mind, it actually made sense to me.

Fast forward to this past August. Having plenty of time to digest what I had read about life between lives, I decided I would reread the second book. It sat on my night table for a year. I kept saying I would get around to reading it again, but I kept putting it off.

And then I finally picked it up. It was less difficult to absorb the second time around, as I had already grasped the concepts it had posed. It took about a week to finish it.

Two days later, I received a text message from Sara about doing a joint ghost hunting investigation with another group.

I had backed away for the most part from ghost hunting, as it drained my energy too much and the emotional rollercoaster ride was getting more difficult to deal with. But after reading the book again, I felt like the timing was perfect.

In retrospect, it seems like an understatement.

Crystal and I became much more active in ghost hunting, and found that I was better able to handle the strong emotions after a few investigations. I also found that I was hearing things better than I ever had before.

A few months later we received a request to investigate a possible haunting in Pennsylvania. I had not really shared my interest of life between lives with any members of the group up to this point. As we worked our way through an EVP session at the site, the other members present did not understand my reactions to this entity’s answers. Fortunately, I was able to understand what was beginning to happen.

Since I started ghost hunting, I felt there had to be a connection between spirits and life between lives. It seemed obvious to me, as we’re talking about spirits that exist after the physical body is no more. If they continue to be at least partly sentient, and they go through the light as described by many, where do they go? What happens to them? Does it just end there? It didn’t seem likely to me.

In our experience with working with displaced souls, their ability to answer questions is not always perfect, to say the least. Many questions cannot be answered, and sometimes facts can be incorrect. I assume this is at least partly due to the spirit’s mental state when they passed – my belief is that they more or less stay in that state once they have left their body. For example, we have had better luck asking what year it is, rather than asking when they died. Also, assuming that their mental state was close to what it was before death, I would think there be no past life knowledge, just like the vast majority of us currently breathing and thinking on this planet. In reading Journey of Souls, I learned that this is an intentional block.

This is in contrast to what happened in Pennsylvania.

The first clue in Pennsylvania that something was different was when one of the entities Crystal was channeling knew the current year. And when it was aware of more than one date of death, I believed the previous life block was not there. After I posed a few more questions, I was convinced that these were not displaced souls. When I asked, we were told as much. I tried to get as much information about what they were doing there, and I based my questions on my knowledge of life between lives. We were able to get some answers, but they were prohibited from giving away too much information. Prohibited. And it seemed to fit what I understood.

I guess I could say I was waiting for this kind of encounter to happen at some point, I just didn’t know when. It also fit another piece into the puzzle of the big picture for me, but I still have so many more questions. I am sure I will learn more as we keep investigating, and I believe we will encounter others like we met in Pennsylvania. And I’ll probably go and have my own LBL session. But I don’t think I’ll know the whole story for many years, and even then, I doubt I’ll have all the pieces to this puzzle of life as we don’t know it.

The conversation with Michael

For more information about LBL and Michael Newton, visit


About Michael

Michael has been interested in the paranormal for many years, and likes to write. Sometimes he even reads.

One Reply to “Life Between Lives and Ghost Hunting”

  1. Wow!!! That’s some powerful stuff.Sounds like the guardian we found in Brandon’s room,Robert. Thanks Mike for shedding ome light on the subject!! U and your crew r amazing!!! I’m so grateful we were able to meet u all.